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ThePEG  2.2.1
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::NLORivetAnalysis class.
Brief class description:
The NLORivetAnalysis class is a simple class to allow analyses from the Rivet library to be called from ThePEG
See also ThePEG::NLORivetAnalysis

Name: Debug
Type: Switch

Enable debug information from Rivet
Registered options:
Disable debug information.
Enable debug information from Rivet.
Default value: 0

Name: Filename
Type: Character string parameter

The name of the file where the YODA histograms are put. If empty, the run name will be used instead. '.yoda' will in any case be appended to the file name.
Default value:

Name: RemnantId
Type: Unlimited Integer parameter

Set the PDG id to be used for remnants.
Default value: 82

Name: Analyses
Type: Varying size vector of string parameters

The names of the Rivet analyses to use
Default value:

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::AnalysisHandler class.