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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::ACDCSampler class.
Brief class description:
This class inherits from ThePEG::SampleBase and implements the Auto Compensating Divide-and-Conquer phase space generator, ACDCGenerator::ACDCGen.
See also ThePEG::ACDCSampler

Name: Ntry
Type: Integer parameter

The number of phase space points tried in the initialization.
Default value: 1000
Minimum value: 2
Maximum value: 1000000

Name: Epsilon
Type: Parameter

The smallest possible cell division allowed.
Default value: 2.22045e-14
Minimum value: 2.22045e-16
Maximum value: 1e-06

Name: Margin
Type: Parameter

The factor controlling the loss of efficiency when compensating for a previously underestimated phase space point. If close to one, the efficiency is increased at the expence of increased number of cells.
Default value: 1.1
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 2

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::SamplerBase class.