ThePEG 2.3.0
► ACDC | |
ACDCGen.h | |
ACDCGenCell.h | |
ACDCGenConfig.h | Main config header file for ACDCGen |
ACDCTraits.h | |
DRand48Traits.h | |
fpudebug.h | |
► Analysis | |
► LWH | |
AIAnalysisFactory.h | |
AIAxis.h | |
AIDataPoint.h | |
AIDataPointSet.h | |
AIDataPointSetFactory.h | |
AIHistogram1D.h | |
AIHistogram2D.h | |
AIHistogramFactory.h | |
AIManagedObject.h | |
AIMeasurement.h | |
AITree.h | |
AITreeFactory.h | |
AnalysisFactory.h | |
Axis.h | |
DataPoint.h | |
DataPointSet.h | |
DataPointSetFactory.h | |
Histogram1D.h | |
Histogram2D.h | |
HistogramFactory.h | |
ManagedObject.h | |
Measurement.h | |
Tree.h | |
TreeFactory.h | |
VariAxis.h | |
AIDA_helper.h | |
FactoryBase.fh | |
FactoryBase.h | |
GraphvizPlot.h | |
HepMC3File.h | |
HepMCFile.h | |
HIHepMCFile.h | |
LWHFactory.h | |
NLOHepMC3File.h | |
NLOHepMCFile.h | |
NLORivetAnalysis.h | |
ProgressLog.h | |
RivetAnalysis.h | |
XSecCheck.h | |
► Config | |
algorithm.h | This file implements a number of interfaces to std:: algorithms, modified to take a whole container as argument rather than a range of iterators, Also defines IteratorRange to encapsulate a range of iterators and corresponding algorithms |
Complex.h | |
config.h | |
Constants.h | |
Containers.h | This file defines a number of containers |
HepMCHelper.h | |
PhysicalQty.h | The PhysicalQty class allows compile-time checking of dimensional correctness |
PhysicalQtyComplex.h | Overloads for operations on complex physical quantities |
PhysicalQtyOps.h | Overloads for mathematical operations on physical quantities |
Pointers.h | This file declares typedefs of commonly used pointers in ThePEG |
std.h | This file introduces a number of std:: classes into the ThePEG namespace |
TemplateTools.h | Useful template machinery |
ThePEG.h | This is the main config header file for ThePEG |
Unitsystem.h | |
► Cuts | |
Cuts.fh | |
Cuts.h | |
DeltaMeasureCuts.h | |
FastJetFinder.h | |
FuzzyTheta.h | |
JetCuts.h | |
JetFinder.h | |
JetPairRegion.h | |
JetRegion.h | |
KTClus.h | |
KTRapidityCut.h | |
MultiCutBase.fh | |
MultiCutBase.h | |
MultiJetRegion.h | |
NJetsCut.h | |
OneCutBase.fh | |
OneCutBase.h | |
OneJetCut.h | |
SimpleDISCut.h | |
SimpleKTCut.h | |
TwoCutBase.fh | |
TwoCutBase.h | |
V2LeptonsCut.h | |
► EventRecord | |
Collision.h | |
ColourBase.h | |
ColourLine.h | |
ColourSinglet.h | |
Event.h | |
EventConfig.h | This is the main config header file for the Event classes |
EventInfoBase.h | |
HelicityVertex.fh | |
HelicityVertex.h | |
MultiColour.h | |
Particle.fh | |
Particle.h | |
ParticleTraits.h | |
RemnantParticle.fh | |
RemnantParticle.h | |
RhoDMatrix.h | |
SelectorBase.h | |
SpinInfo.h | |
StandardSelectors.h | This file contains declarations of standard selector classes |
Step.h | |
SubProcess.h | |
SubProcessGroup.h | |
TmpTransform.h | |
► Handlers | |
ACDCSampler.h | |
AnalysisHandler.fh | |
AnalysisHandler.h | |
CascadeHandler.h | |
ClusterCollapser.fh | |
ClusterCollapser.h | |
DecayHandler.h | |
EventHandler.fh | |
EventHandler.h | |
EventManipulator.h | |
FixedCMSLuminosity.h | |
FixedTargetLuminosity.h | |
FlavourGenerator.h | |
GaussianPtGenerator.h | |
HadronizationHandler.h | |
HandlerBase.h | |
HandlerGroup.h | |
Hint.h | |
LastXCombInfo.h | |
LuminosityFunction.h | |
MultipleInteractionHandler.h | |
PtGenerator.h | |
SamplerBase.fh | |
SamplerBase.h | |
SimpleFlavour.h | |
SimpleZGenerator.h | |
StandardEventHandler.fh | |
StandardEventHandler.h | |
StandardXComb.fh | |
StandardXComb.h | |
StdXCombGroup.fh | |
StdXCombGroup.h | |
StepHandler.h | |
SubProcessHandler.fh | |
SubProcessHandler.h | |
XComb.h | |
ZGenerator.h | |
► Helicity | |
► Vertex | |
► Scalar | |
FFSVertex.fh | |
FFSVertex.h | |
GeneralVSSVertex.fh | |
GeneralVSSVertex.h | |
GeneralVVSVertex.fh | |
GeneralVVSVertex.h | |
RFSVertex.fh | |
RFSVertex.h | |
SSSSVertex.fh | |
SSSSVertex.h | |
SSSVertex.fh | |
SSSVertex.h | |
VSSVertex.fh | |
VSSVertex.h | |
VVSSVertex.fh | |
VVSSVertex.h | |
VVSVertex.fh | |
VVSVertex.h | |
VVVSVertex.fh | |
VVVSVertex.h | |
► Tensor | |
FFTVertex.fh | |
FFTVertex.h | |
FFVTVertex.fh | |
FFVTVertex.h | |
SSTVertex.fh | |
SSTVertex.h | |
VVTVertex.fh | |
VVTVertex.h | |
VVVTVertex.fh | |
VVVTVertex.h | |
► Vector | |
FFVVertex.fh | |
FFVVertex.h | |
GeneralFFVVertex.fh | |
GeneralFFVVertex.h | |
RFVVertex.fh | |
RFVVertex.h | |
VVVVertex.fh | |
VVVVertex.h | |
VVVVVertex.fh | |
VVVVVertex.h | |
AbstractFFFFVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFFFVertex.h | |
AbstractFFSSVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFSSVertex.h | |
AbstractFFSTVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFSTVertex.h | |
AbstractFFSVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFSVertex.h | |
AbstractFFTVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFTVertex.h | |
AbstractFFVSVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFVSVertex.h | |
AbstractFFVTVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFVTVertex.h | |
AbstractFFVVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFVVertex.h | |
AbstractFFVVVertex.fh | |
AbstractFFVVVertex.h | |
AbstractRFSSVertex.fh | |
AbstractRFSSVertex.h | |
AbstractRFSVertex.fh | |
AbstractRFSVertex.h | |
AbstractRFVSVertex.fh | |
AbstractRFVSVertex.h | |
AbstractRFVVertex.fh | |
AbstractRFVVertex.h | |
AbstractRFVVVertex.fh | |
AbstractRFVVVertex.h | |
AbstractSSSSVertex.fh | |
AbstractSSSSVertex.h | |
AbstractSSSTVertex.fh | |
AbstractSSSTVertex.h | |
AbstractSSSVertex.fh | |
AbstractSSSVertex.h | |
AbstractSSTVertex.fh | |
AbstractSSTVertex.h | |
AbstractVSSVertex.fh | |
AbstractVSSVertex.h | |
AbstractVVSSVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVSSVertex.h | |
AbstractVVSTVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVSTVertex.h | |
AbstractVVSVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVSVertex.h | |
AbstractVVTVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVTVertex.h | |
AbstractVVVSVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVVSVertex.h | |
AbstractVVVTVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVVTVertex.h | |
AbstractVVVVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVVVertex.h | |
AbstractVVVVVertex.fh | |
AbstractVVVVVertex.h | |
VertexBase.fh | |
VertexBase.h | |
► WaveFunction | |
Rank3TensorWaveFunction.h | |
RSSpinorBarWaveFunction.h | |
RSSpinorWaveFunction.h | |
ScalarWaveFunction.h | |
SpinorBarWaveFunction.h | |
SpinorWaveFunction.h | |
TensorWaveFunction.h | |
VectorWaveFunction.h | |
WaveFunctionBase.h | |
epsilon.h | |
FermionSpinInfo.fh | |
FermionSpinInfo.h | |
HelicityDefinitions.h | This file contains enumerations used by LorentzSpinor and LorentzSpinorBar classes |
HelicityFunctions.h | |
LorentzPolarizationVector.h | |
LorentzRank3Tensor.fh | |
LorentzRank3Tensor.h | |
LorentzRSSpinor.fh | |
LorentzRSSpinor.h | |
LorentzRSSpinorBar.fh | |
LorentzRSSpinorBar.h | |
LorentzSpinor.fh | |
LorentzSpinor.h | |
LorentzSpinorBar.fh | |
LorentzSpinorBar.h | |
LorentzTensor.fh | |
LorentzTensor.h | |
Rank3TensorSpinInfo.fh | |
Rank3TensorSpinInfo.h | |
RSFermionSpinInfo.fh | |
RSFermionSpinInfo.h | |
ScalarSpinInfo.fh | |
ScalarSpinInfo.h | |
TensorSpinInfo.fh | |
TensorSpinInfo.h | |
VectorSpinInfo.fh | |
VectorSpinInfo.h | |
► Interface | |
ClassDocumentation.fh | |
ClassDocumentation.h | |
Command.fh | |
Command.h | |
Command.xh | |
Deleted.h | |
Interface.h | |
InterfaceBase.fh | |
InterfaceBase.h | |
InterfaceBase.xh | |
Interfaced.h | |
InterfacedBase.h | |
InterfacedBase.xh | |
Parameter.fh | |
Parameter.h | |
Parameter.xh | |
ParMap.fh | |
ParMap.h | |
ParMap.xh | |
ParVector.fh | |
ParVector.h | |
ParVector.xh | |
Reference.fh | |
Reference.h | |
Reference.xh | |
RefVector.fh | |
RefVector.h | |
RefVector.xh | |
Switch.fh | |
Switch.h | |
Switch.xh | |
► LesHouches | |
LesHouches.h | |
LesHouchesEventHandler.fh | |
LesHouchesEventHandler.h | |
LesHouchesFileReader.fh | |
LesHouchesFileReader.h | |
LesHouchesReader.fh | |
LesHouchesReader.h | |
MadGraphOneCut.h | |
MadGraphReader.h | |
MadGraphTwoCut.h | |
► MatrixElement | |
Amplitude.h | |
BlobDiagram.h | |
BlobMEBase.h | |
ColourLines.h | |
ColourLines.xh | |
DiagramBase.fh | |
DiagramBase.h | |
DiagramBase.xh | |
ME2to2Base.h | |
ME2to2QCD.h | |
MEBase.fh | |
MEBase.h | |
MECuts.h | |
MECuts.xh | |
MEee2gZ2qq.h | |
MEGG2GG.h | |
MEGG2QQ.h | |
MEGroup.fh | |
MEGroup.h | |
MEQG2QG.h | |
MEQQ2GG.h | |
MEqq2qq1.h | |
MEQQ2qq2.h | |
MEQQ2QQ3.h | |
MEQq2Qq4.h | |
ReweightBase.h | |
ReweightConstant.h | |
ReweightMinPT.h | |
Tree2toNDiagram.h | |
Tree2toNDiagram.xh | |
BeamParticleData.h | |
BeamParticleData.xh | |
BudnevPDF.h | |
DipoleFormFactor.h | |
GRV94L.h | |
GRV94M.h | |
GRVBase.h | |
HardSphereYukawaFormFactor.h | |
LeptonLeptonPDF.h | |
LHAPDF6.h | |
NoPDF.h | |
NoRemnants.h | |
NuclearPhotonPDF.h | |
NucleonFormFactor.fh | |
NucleonFormFactor.h | |
PartonBin.fh | |
PartonBin.h | |
PartonBinInstance.h | |
PartonExtractor.fh | |
PartonExtractor.h | |
PartonExtractor.xh | |
PDF.fh | |
PDF.h | |
PDFBase.h | |
PDFBase.xh | |
PDFCuts.h | |
PolarizedBeamParticleData.fh | |
PolarizedBeamParticleData.h | |
RemnantHandler.h | |
RemnantHandler.xh | |
SoftRemnantHandler.h | |
UnResolvedRemnant.h | |
WeizsackerWilliamsPDF.h | |
► PDT | |
BreitWignerMass.h | |
ColourPairDecayer.h | |
CombinedMatcher.h | |
ConstituentParticleData.h | |
DalitzDecayer.h | |
Decayer.fh | |
Decayer.h | |
DecayMode.fh | |
DecayMode.h | |
DecayMode.xh | |
DummyDecayer.h | |
EnumParticles.h | |
FlatDecayer.h | |
MassGenerator.fh | |
MassGenerator.h | |
Matcher.h | |
MatcherBase.h | |
MixedParticleData.fh | |
MixedParticleData.h | |
OmegaPhi3PiDecayer.h | |
Onium3GDecayer.h | |
ParticleData.h | |
ParticleData.xh | |
PDT.h | |
PID.h | |
QuarksToHadronsDecayer.h | |
RemnantData.fh | |
RemnantData.h | |
RemnantDecayer.fh | |
RemnantDecayer.h | |
SimpleBaryonRemnantDecayer.h | |
StandardMatchers.h | This file declare a set of standard matcher classes |
Tau2HadronsDecayer.h | |
V2PPDecayer.h | |
WeakToHadronsDecayer.h | |
WidthGenerator.fh | |
WidthGenerator.h | |
► Persistency | |
InputDescription.h | |
PersistentIStream.fh | |
PersistentIStream.h | |
PersistentIStream.xh | |
PersistentOStream.fh | |
PersistentOStream.h | |
PersistentOStream.xh | |
► Pointer | |
Ptr.h | |
PtrTraits.h | |
RCPtr.fh | |
RCPtr.h | |
ReferenceCounted.h | |
► Repository | |
► tests | |
repositoryTestRandomGenerator.h | |
repositoryTestsGlobalFixture.h | |
BaseRepository.h | |
BaseRepository.xh | |
CurrentGenerator.fh | |
CurrentGenerator.h | |
EventGenerator.fh | |
EventGenerator.h | |
EventGenerator.xh | |
Main.h | |
MultiEventGenerator.h | |
RandomGenerator.fh | |
RandomGenerator.h | |
Repository.h | |
StandardRandom.h | |
Strategy.fh | |
Strategy.h | |
ThePEGStrategy.h | |
UseRandom.fh | |
UseRandom.h | |
► src | |
TestLHAPDF.h | |
► StandardModel | |
AlphaEMBase.h | |
AlphaSBase.h | |
CKMBase.h | |
O1AlphaS.h | |
RunningCoupling.h | |
SimpleAlphaEM.h | |
StandardCKM.h | |
StandardModelBase.fh | |
StandardModelBase.h | |
► Utilities | |
AnyReference.h | |
CFile.h | |
CFileLineReader.fh | |
CFileLineReader.h | |
ClassDescription.fh | |
ClassDescription.h | |
ClassTraits.h | |
ColourOutput.h | |
CompSelector.h | |
Current.h | |
Debug.h | |
DebugItem.h | |
DescribeClass.h | |
DescriptionList.h | |
Direction.h | |
Direction.xh | |
DynamicLoader.h | |
EnumIO.h | |
Exception.fh | |
Exception.h | |
HoldFlag.h | |
Interval.fh | |
Interval.h | |
Level.h | |
LoopGuard.h | |
Maths.h | |
MaxCmp.h | |
Named.h | |
ObjectIndexer.h | |
Rebinder.fh | |
Rebinder.h | |
Selector.h | |
SimplePhaseSpace.h | |
SimplePhaseSpace.xh | |
StringUtils.h | |
Throw.h | |
Triplet.h | |
TypeInfo.h | |
UnitIO.h | |
UtilityBase.fh | |
UtilityBase.h | |
UtilityBase.xh | |
VSelector.h | |
XSecStat.h | |
► Vectors | |
HepMCConverter.h | |
HepMCTraits.h | |
Lorentz5Vector.fh | |
Lorentz5Vector.h | |
LorentzRotation.fh | |
LorentzRotation.h | |
LorentzVector.fh | |
LorentzVector.h | LorentzVector class |
SpinHalfLorentzRotation.h | |
SpinOneLorentzRotation.fh | |
SpinOneLorentzRotation.h | |
ThreeVector.fh | |
ThreeVector.h | ThreeVector class |
Transverse.fh | |
Transverse.h | |
AllInterfaces.h | |
MoreInterfaces.h | |
refman.h |