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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::MEBase class.
Brief class description:
The ThePEG::MEBase class is the base class for all matrix elements to be used for generating sub processes in ThePEG
See also ThePEG::MEBase

Name: MinMultCKKW
Type: Integer parameter

If this matrix element is to be used together with others for CKKW-reweighting and veto, this should give the multiplicity of outgoing particles in the lowest multiplicity matrix element in the group. If larger or equal to MaxMultCKKW, no CKKW procedure should be applied.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0

Name: MaxMultCKKW
Type: Integer parameter

If this matrix element is to be used together with others for CKKW-reweighting and veto, this should give the multiplicity of outgoing particles in the highest multiplicity matrix element in the group. If set to zero, no CKKW procedure should be applied.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0

Name: Amplitude
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::Amplitude

The eventual amplitude associated to this matrix element.

Name: Preweights
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ReweightBase

A list of ThePEG::ReweightBase objects to bias the phase space for this matrix elements without influencing the actual cross section.

Name: Reweights
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ReweightBase

A list of ThePEG::ReweightBase objects to modify this matrix elements.