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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::MultiEventGenerator class.
Brief class description:
The ThePEG::MultiEventGenerator class is derived from the ThePEG::EventGenerator and is capable of making several runs with a pre-defined set of parameter and switch values.
See also ThePEG::MultiEventGenerator

Name: SeparateRandom
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::RandomGenerator

A separate random number generator used for AddRndInterface to ensure reproducible sequences of interface values. If null, the standard random generator will be used instead.

Name: RemoveInterface
Type: Command

If arguments are given on the form 'object-name:interface-name' and the same interface and object was previously with an AddInterface}, the corresponding arguments are removed and the interfaced will be left unchanged during the generation.

Name: AddRndInterface
Type: Command

If arguments are given on the form 'object-name:interface-name N min max mean width' or 'object-name:vectorinterface-name[pos] N min max mean width' the generator will be run N times with the corresonding interface of the given object set to a random value between min and max according to a Gaussian distribution with the given mean and width (if the width is absent or zero a flat distribution between min and max will be used instead) . If another interface with e.g. 4 different arguments, the generator will be run N*4 times once for each combination of arguments and the specified interface will get a new random value each time.. If called with an object and interface wich has already been given in a previous call to AddInterface or AddRndInterface the previous call will be ignored.

Name: AddInterface
Type: Command

If arguments are given on the form 'object-name:interface-name arg1, arg2, arg3' or 'object-name:vectorinterface-name[pos] arg1, arg2, arg3' the generator will be run three times with the corresonding interface of the given object set to arg1, arg2, arg3 in each run respectively. If another interface with e.g. 4 different arguments, the generator will be run 12 times once for each combination of arguments. If called with an object and interface wich has already been given in a previous call, the new arguments will be added to the previously specified list without checking if any argument is doubled.

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::EventGenerator class.