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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::O1AlphaS class.
Brief class description:
O1AlphaS inherits from AlphaSBase and implements the leading order running QCD coupling. The value is determined by the LambdaQCD parameter at a given number of flavours, LambdaFlav. Optionally the coupling can be frozen under some minimum scale, FreezeScale to avoid divergencies or negative couplings.
See also ThePEG::O1AlphaS

Name: FreezeScale
Type: Parameter

The scale in units of GeV below which \(\alpha_S\) is frozen.
Default value: 0
Minimum value: 0

Name: LambdaFlav
Type: Integer parameter

The number of active flavours for which LambdaQCD is specified.
Default value: 4
Minimum value: 3
Maximum value: 8 (May be changed by member function.)

Name: MaxFlav
Type: Integer parameter

The maximum number of flavours used to calculate \(\alpha_S\).
Default value: 6
Minimum value: 3
Maximum value: 8

Name: LambdaQCD
Type: Parameter

The \(\Lambda_{QCD}\) in GeV for LambdaFlav active flavours. The value for other numbers of active flavours is derived by assuming that \(\alpha_S\) is continuous.
Default value: 0.25
Minimum value: 0

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::AlphaSBase class.