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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::SimpleKTCut class.
Brief class description:
This is a very simple concrete sub-class of OneCutbase simply requiring a minimum transverse momentum of any outgoing particle. It is also possible to require a minimum and maximum pseudorapidity. Optionally the restrictions only apply to particles matching a specific matcher object.
See also ThePEG::SimpleKTCut

Name: Matcher
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::MatcherBase

If non-null only particles matching this object will be affected by the cut.

Name: MaxEta
Type: Parameter

The maximum allowed pseudo-rapidity of an outgoing parton. The pseudo-rapidity is measured in the lab system.
Default value: 100
Minimum value: -100 (May be changed by member function.)

Name: MinEta
Type: Parameter

The minimum allowed pseudo-rapidity of an outgoing parton. The pseudo-rapidity is measured in the lab system.
Default value: -100
Maximum value: 100 (May be changed by member function.)

Name: MaxKT
Type: Parameter

The maximum allowed value of the transverse momentum of an outgoing parton. Note that this cut does not increase the efficiency of the phase space generation, but is only applied as a post-cut.
Default value: 1e+06
Minimum value: 0 (May be changed by member function.)

Name: MinKT
Type: Parameter

The minimum allowed value of the transverse momentum of an outgoing parton.
Default value: 10
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 1e+06 (May be changed by member function.)

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::OneCutBase class.