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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::StandardCKM class.
Brief class description:
Implements the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix in terms of three angles and a phase.
See also ThePEG::StandardCKM

Name: delta
Type: Parameter

The phase angle in the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix
Default value: 1.35819
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 6.28319

Name: theta_23
Type: Parameter

The mixing angle between the second and third generation in the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix
Default value: 0.039009
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 6.28319

Name: theta_13
Type: Parameter

The mixing angle between the first and third generation in the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix
Default value: 0.000315
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 6.28319

Name: theta_12
Type: Parameter

The mixing angle between the first and second generation in the standard parameterization of the CKM matrix
Default value: 0.222357
Minimum value: 0
Maximum value: 6.28319

There may be interfaces inherited from the ThePEG::CKMBase class.