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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::Strategy class.
Brief class description:
Represents a general strategy to be assigned to an EventGenerator. It contains a set of default ParticleData objects which takes presedence over the ones in the Repository (although not over the ones in the EventGenerator). It also contains a set of other default objects which are automatically assigned to all Reference and RefVector interfaces which have the InterfaceBase::defaultIfNull() flag set.
See also ThePEG::Strategy

Name: DefaultParticlesDirs
Type: Varying size vector of string parameters

By default all particles in the Repository are included in a run, although only one particle object per PDG id number. If directories are listed in DefaultParticlesDirs, only particles in these will be considered for default inclusion in a run. Only particles which have a PDG id which is not given by particles in LocalParticlesDir, LocalParticles, or in EventGenerator: :LocalParticles will be considered.
Default value:

Name: LocalParticlesDir
Type: Character string parameter

A directory in the repository which will be scanned for particles which will be included as default particles in a run. These particles will be overridden by particles specified in LocalParticles and default particles specified directly in the EventGenerator.
Default value:

Name: DefaultObjects
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::Interfaced

A vector of pointers to default objects. In a ThePEG::Reference or ThePEG::RefVector interface with the defaultIfNull() flag set, if a null pointer is encountered this vector is gone through until an acceptable object is found in which case the null pointer is replaced by a pointer to this object. Note that the default objects given in the ThePEG::EventGenerator are gone through first and are given precedence.

Name: LocalParticles
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ParticleData

Special versions of ThePEG::ParticleData objects to be used. Note that to delete an object, its number in the list should be given, rather than its id number.