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ThePEG 2.3.0
Interfaces defined for the ThePEG::SubProcessHandler class.
Brief class description:
This object contains information about a set of possible sub-processes to be generated from inside ThePEG. It must contain a PartonExtractor do describe how the partons entering into the hard sub-process are extracted from the beam particles. It must also include at least one matrix element object in MatrixElements and a Cuts object describing the kinematical cuts imposed on the sub-process generation.
See also ThePEG::SubProcessHandler

Name: PostDecayHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called after the DecayHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: DecayHandler
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::DecayHandler

The DecayHandler object used in this SubProcessHandler. If a DecayHandler object is specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies one,the latter will be used.

Name: PreDecayHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called before the DecayHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: PostHadronizationHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called after the HadronizationHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: HadronizationHandler
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::HadronizationHandler

The HadronizationHandler object used in this SubProcessHandler. If a HadronizationHandler object is specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies one,the latter will be used.

Name: PreHadronizationHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called before the HadronizationHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: PostMultipleInteractionHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called after the MultipleInteractionHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: MultipleInteractionHandler
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::MultipleInteractionHandler

The MultipleInteractionHandler object used in this SubProcessHandler. If a MultipleInteractionHandler object is specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies one,the latter will be used.

Name: PreMultipleInteractionHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called before the MultipleInteractionHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: PostCascadeHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called after the CascadeHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: CascadeHandler
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::CascadeHandler

The CascadeHandler object used in this SubProcessHandler. If a CascadeHandler object is specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies one,the latter will be used.

Name: PreCascadeHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called before the CascadeHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: PostSubProcessHandlers
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::StepHandler

A list of handlers to be called after the SubProcessHandler. If handler objects are specified in a EventHandler and the SubProcessHandler chosen in a given collision also specifies some, the latter will caled first.

Name: Preweights
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ReweightBase

A list of ThePEG::ReweightBase objects to bias the phase space for all matrix elements without in this SubProcessHandler influencing the actual cross section.

Name: Reweights
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::ReweightBase

A list of ThePEG::ReweightBase objects to modify all matrix elements in this SubProcessHandler.

Name: Cuts
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::Cuts

Common kinematical cuts for this SubProcessHandler. These cuts overides those in a EventHandler.

Name: MatrixElements
Type: Varying size vector of references to objects of class ThePEG::MEBase

A list of MEBase objects describing the \(2\rightarrow n\) hard matrix elements.

Name: PartonExtractor
Type: Reference to objects of class ThePEG::PartonExtractor

The PartonExtractor object to describe the way partons are extracted from the incoming particles.