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ThePEG 2.3.0
EventConfig.h File Reference

This is the main config header file for the Event classes. More...

#include "ThePEG/Config/ThePEG.h"
#include "ThePEG/Utilities/Rebinder.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentOStream.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Persistency/PersistentIStream.fh"
#include "ThePEG/Vectors/Lorentz5Vector.h"
#include "ThePEG/Vectors/LorentzRotation.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ThePEG::EventConfig
 A helper class to facilitate persistent input and output. More...


namespace  ThePEG
 This is the main namespace within which all identifiers in ThePEG are declared.


typedef Base ThePEG::EventRecordBase
 EventRecordBase is the base class of all event record classes.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >::pointer ThePEG::EventBasePtr
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to EventRecordBase.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >::const_pointer ThePEG::cEventBasePtr
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to const EventRecordBase.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEventBasePtr
 Alias for a transient pointer to EventRecordBase.
typedef Ptr< EventRecordBase >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEventBasePtr
 Alias for a transient pointer to const EventRecordBase.
typedef Rebinder< EventRecordBase > ThePEG::EventTranslationMap
 Alias for a rebinder object able to relate pointers to original objects to pointers to their clones.
typedef Particle ThePEG::ParticleClass
 ParticleClass is the name used for Particle in the event record classes.
typedef ParticleData ThePEG::ParticleDataClass
 ParticleDataClass is the name used for ParticleData in the event record classes.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >::pointer ThePEG::EventPDPtr
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to ParticleDataClass.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >::const_pointer ThePEG::cEventPDPtr
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to const ParticleDataClass.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >::transient_pointer ThePEG::tEventPDPtr
 Alias for a transient pointer to ParticleDataClass.
typedef Ptr< ParticleDataClass >::transient_const_pointer ThePEG::tcEventPDPtr
 Alias for a transient pointer to const ParticleDataClass.
typedef vector< tPPtr > ThePEG::tParticleVector
 A vector of transient pointers to Particle.
typedef set< PPtr, less< PPtr > > ThePEG::ParticleSet
 A set of pointers to Particle.
typedef set< tPPtr, less< tPPtr > > ThePEG::tParticleSet
 A set of transient pointers to Particle.
typedef set< tcPPtr, less< tcPPtr > > ThePEG::tcParticleSet
 A set of transient pointers to const Particle.
typedef vector< StepPtr > ThePEG::StepVector
 A vector of pointers to Step.
typedef vector< SubProPtr > ThePEG::SubProcessVector
 A vector of pointers to SubProcess.
typedef vector< tSubProPtr > ThePEG::tSubProcessVector
 A vector of transient pointers to SubProcess.
typedef vector< CollPtr > ThePEG::CollisionVector
 A vector of pointers to Collision.
typedef set< StepPtr, less< StepPtr > > ThePEG::StepSet
 A set of pointers to Step.
typedef set< SubProPtr, less< SubProPtr > > ThePEG::SubProcessSet
 A set of pointers to SubProcess.

Detailed Description

This is the main config header file for the Event classes.

Do not make changes in this file. If these classes are used outside of ThePEG you probably need to need to modify base classes persistency scheme etc. If so, edit a copy of the file which can be included instead of this file using the macro ThePEG_ALTERNATIVE_EVENT_RECORD.

Definition in file EventConfig.h.