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ThePEG 2.3.0
Config Directory Reference


file  algorithm.h [code]
 This file implements a number of interfaces to std:: algorithms, modified to take a whole container as argument rather than a range of iterators, Also defines IteratorRange to encapsulate a range of iterators and corresponding algorithms.
file  Complex.h [code]
file  config.h [code]
file  Constants.h [code]
file  Containers.h [code]
 This file defines a number of containers.
file  HepMCHelper.h [code]
file  PhysicalQty.h [code]
 The PhysicalQty class allows compile-time checking of dimensional correctness.
file  PhysicalQtyComplex.h [code]
 Overloads for operations on complex physical quantities.
file  PhysicalQtyOps.h [code]
 Overloads for mathematical operations on physical quantities.
file  Pointers.h [code]
 This file declares typedefs of commonly used pointers in ThePEG.
file  std.h [code]
 This file introduces a number of std:: classes into the ThePEG namespace.
file  TemplateTools.h [code]
 Useful template machinery.
file  ThePEG.h [code]
 This is the main config header file for ThePEG.
file  Unitsystem.h [code]