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ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler Class Reference

The LesHouchesEventHandler inherits from the general EventHandler class and administers the reading of events generated by external matrix element generator programs according to the Les Houches accord. More...

#include <LesHouchesEventHandler.h>

Inheritance diagram for ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler:


struct  OptWeight
 Collect statistics for this event handler's optional weights. More...

Public Types

enum  WeightOpt { unitweight = 1 , unitnegweight = -1 , varweight = 2 , varnegweight = -2 }
 Enumerate the weighting options. More...
typedef vector< LesHouchesReaderPtr > ReaderVector
 A vector of LesHouchesReader objects.
typedef CompSelector< int, CrossSectionReaderSelector
 A selector of readers.
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::EventHandler
enum  ConsistencyLevel {
  clNoCheck , clCollision , clStep , clPrintCollision ,
 Enumerate the different levels of consistency checking. More...
typedef vector< HandlerGroupBase * > GroupVector
 A vector of HandlerGroups.
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
enum  InitState { initializing = -1 , uninitialized = 0 , initialized = 1 , runready = 2 }
 Enumeration reflecting the state of an InterfacedBase object. More...
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
typedef unsigned int CounterType
 The integer type used for counting.
- Public Types inherited from ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< XC >
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::pointer XCPtr
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to XC .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::const_pointer cXCPtr
 Alias for a reference counted pointer to a const XC .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::transient_pointer tXCPtr
 Alias for a transient pointer to XC .
typedef ThePEG::Ptr< XC >::transient_const_pointer tcXCPtr
 Alias for a transient pointer to a const XC .

Public Member Functions

Standard constructors and destructors.
 LesHouchesEventHandler ()
 The default constructor.
virtual ~LesHouchesEventHandler ()
 The destructor.
Initialization and finalization functions.
virtual void initialize ()
 Initialize this event handler and all related objects needed to generate events.
virtual void statistics (ostream &) const
 Write out accumulated statistics about intergrated cross sections and stuff.
virtual CrossSection histogramScale () const
 Histogram scale.
virtual CrossSection integratedXSec () const
 The estimated total integrated cross section of the processes generated in this run.
virtual int ntriesinternal () const
 The number of attempts inside the statistics object.
virtual CrossSection integratedXSecErr () const
 The estimated error in the total integrated cross section of the processes generated in this run.
virtual const map< string, CrossSection > & optintegratedXSecMap () const
 Map to aid the calculation of the optional weights' integrated cross section.
Functions used for the actual generation
virtual EventPtr generateEvent ()
 Generate an event.
virtual tCollPtr performCollision ()
 Create the Event and Collision objects.
virtual EventPtr continueEvent ()
 Continue generating an event if the generation has been stopped before finishing.
Functions to manipulate statistics.
void select (double weight)
 An event has been selected.
void accept ()
 Accept the current event, taking care of the statistics collection of the corresponding reader objects.
void reject (double weight)
 Reject the current event, taking care of the statistics collection of the corresponding reader objects.
void increaseMaxXSec (CrossSection maxxsec)
 Increase the overestimated cross section for the selected reader.
void skipEvents ()
 Skip some events.
Simple access functions.
WeightOpt weightOption () const
 The way weights are to be treated.
double unitTolerance () const
 If the weight option is set to unit weight, do not start compensating unless the weight is this much larger than unity.
const ReaderVectorreaders () const
 Access the list of readers.
const ReaderSelectorselector () const
 The selector to choose readers according to their overestimated cross section.
tLesHouchesReaderPtr currentReader () const
 The currently selected reader object.
void currentReader (tLesHouchesReaderPtr x)
 Set the currently selected reader object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::EventHandler
 EventHandler (bool warnincomplete=true)
 Default constructor.
 EventHandler (const EventHandler &)
virtual ~EventHandler ()
tEventPtr generateEvent (tEventPtr e)
 Generate an Event, where the initial state is supplied from the outside.
tEventPtr generateEvent (tStepPtr s)
 Generate an Event, where the initial state is supplied as a single step from the outside.
tCollPtr continueCollision ()
 Continue the generation of a Collision.
void clearEvent ()
 Clear all step handlers, making the handler ready for a new event.
virtual void select (tXCombPtr newXComb)
 Change the XComb object.
virtual bool empty () const
 Returns true if there are no step handlers left to apply to the current event;.
long maxLoop () const
 Return the maximum number attemts allowed to select a sub-process for each event.
const cPDPairincoming () const
 The pair of incoming particle types.
const LuminosityFunctionlumiFn () const
 Access the luminosity function.
tcLumiFnPtr lumiFnPtr () const
 Access the luminosity function.
tLumiFnPtr lumiFnPtr ()
 Access to the luminosity function.
tCutsPtr cuts () const
 The kinematical cuts to used by subclasses which do not provide their own.
tPExtrPtr partonExtractor () const
 A PartonExtractor object to be used by sub classes which do not provide their own.
tCascHdlPtr cascadeHandler () const
 Return a pointer (possibly null) to the assigned main CascadeHandler.
tCascHdlPtr CKKWHandler () const
 Return a pointer (possibly null) to the assigned main CascadeHandler to be used as CKKW-reweighter.
tEventPtr currentEvent () const
 Gget current event.
tCollPtr currentCollision () const
 Get current collision.
tStepPtr currentStep () const
 Get current step.
bool weighted () const
 Return true if this event handler should produce weightes events.
int statLevel () const
 The level of statistics.
ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel () const
 Determines how often the event handler should check for charge and energy-momentum conservation.
double consistencyEpsilon () const
 The maximum fraction of the total invariant mass of a collision that any of the components of the summed momentum is allowed to change during the generation.
void performStep (tStepHdlPtr handler, tHintPtr hint)
 Perform a given step using a handler and a hint.
void addStep (Group::Level, Group::Handler, tStepHdlPtr=tStepHdlPtr(), tHintPtr=tHintPtr())
 In the curresnt list of step handlers to go through, add another step handler and/or hint.
tStepPtr newStep (tcStepHdlPtr sh)
 Create a new step and make it current.
void popStep ()
 Remove the last step.
virtual void initGroups ()
 Initialize the groups of step handlers.
void currentEvent (tEventPtr e)
 Set current event.
void currentCollision (tCollPtr c)
 Set current collision.
void currentStep (tStepPtr s)
 Set current step.
tStepHdlPtr currentStepHandler () const
 Get current StepHandler.
void currentStepHandler (tStepHdlPtr sh)
 Set current StepHandler.
void throwCurrent ()
 Throw away the current event/collision.
virtual void clean ()
 Throw away the last generated event before generating a new one.
virtual void checkConsistency () const
 Check that the charge and energy-momentum in the last step of the current collision is consistent with the incoming particles.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::HandlerBaseT< UseRandom >
virtual ~HandlerBaseT ()
double rnd () const
 Return a simple flat random number in the range ]0,1[.
double rnd (double xu) const
 Return a simple flat random number in the range ]0,xu[.
double rnd (double xl, double xu) const
 Return a simple flat random number in the range ]xl,xu[.
bool rndbool () const
 Return true with 50% probability.
bool rndbool (double p) const
 Return a true with probability p.
bool rndbool (double p1, double p2) const
 Return a true with probability p1/(p1+p2).
int rndsign (double p1, double p2, double p3) const
 Return -1, 0, or 1 with relative probabilities p1, p2, p3.
int rnd2 (double p0, double p1) const
 Return an integer \(i\) with probability p \(i\)/(p0+p1).
int rnd3 (double p0, double p1, double p2) const
 Return an integer \(i\) with probability p \(i\)/(p0+p1+p2).
int rnd4 (double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3) const
 Return an integer/ \(i\) with probability p \(i\)(p0+p1+p2+p3).
long irnd (long xu=2) const
 Return a simple flat random integrer number in the range [0,xu[.
long irnd (long xl, long xu) const
 Return a simple flat random integrer number in the range [xl,xu[.
const StandardModelBaseSM () const
 Return a reference to the object containing the standard model parameters for this run.
tSMPtr standardModel () const
 Return a pointer to the object containing the standard model parameters for this run.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
virtual ~Interfaced ()
 Empty virtual destructor.
virtual bool defaultInit ()
 Functions which are to be used during the actual event generation, after the setup is complete.
PPtr getParticle (PID) const
 Create a new Particle instance given a id number.
PDPtr getParticleData (PID) const
 Return a pointer to the ParticleData object corresponding to the given id number.
bool used () const
 Returns true if this object has actally been used.
void useMe () const
 Should be called to indicate that this object has actually been used.
tEGPtr generator () const
 Return a pointer to the EventGenerator controlling the run.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual ~InterfacedBase ()
 The virtual (empty) destructor;.
string fullName () const
 Returns the full name of this object including its path, e.g.
string name () const
 Returns the name of this object, without the path.
string path () const
 Returns the path to this object including the trailing '/'.
string comment () const
 Returns a comment assigned to this object.
void setup (istream &is)
 Read setup info from a standard istream is.
void update ()
 Calls the doupdate() function with recursion prevention.
void init ()
 Calls the doinit() function with recursion prevention.
virtual bool preInitialize () const
 Return true if this object needs to be initialized before all other objects (except those for which this function also returns true).
void initrun ()
 Calls the doinitrun() function with recursion prevention.
void finish ()
 Calls the dofinish() function with recursion prevention.
void touch ()
 This function should be called every time something in this object has changed in a way that a sanity check with update() is needed.
void reset ()
 Set the state of this object to uninitialized.
void clear ()
 Calls reset() and unTouch().
InitState state () const
 Return the state of initialization of this object.
bool locked () const
 Return true if the BaseRepository is not allowed to change the state of this object.
bool touched () const
 Return true if the state of this object has been changed since the last call to update().
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
virtual void debugme () const
 Print out debugging information for this object on std::cerr.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
virtual ~Base ()
 The virtual destructor.
void debug () const
 Print out debugging information for this object on std::cerr.
virtual void debugme () const
 Print out debugging information for this object on std::cerr.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
CounterType referenceCount () const
 Return the reference count.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
 Named (const string &newName=string())
 Constructor with name.
 Named (const Named &)=default
 Explicit default copy-constructor (too avoid compiler warnings)
const string & name () const
 Return name.
bool operator== (const Named &other) const
 Test for equality.
bool operator< (const Named &other) const
 Lexicographical comparison.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< XC >
const XC & lastXComb () const
 Return a reference to the last selected XComb.
tXCPtr lastXCombPtr () const
 Return a pointer to the last selected XComb.
const XC & lastHeadXComb () const
 If the last selected XComb object belongs to a group of XComb's return a reference to the head XComb object for this group.
tXCPtr lastHeadXCombPtr () const
 If the last selected XComb object belongs to a group of XComb's return a pointer to the head XComb object for this group.
const EventHandlerlastEventHandler () const
 Return a reference to the currently used EventHandler.
tPExtrPtr lastExtractor () const
 A pointer to the currently used parton extractor.
template<typename PDFT >
PDFT pdf (tcPPtr parton) const
 Return the parton density used to extract the given parton.
const CutslastCuts () const
 A reference to the currently used kinematical cuts.
tCutsPtr lastCutsPtr () const
 A pointer to the currently used kinematical cuts.
const PPairlastParticles () const
 Return the pair of incoming parton instances.
Energy2 lastS () const
 The last generated total energy squared of the incoming particles.
const PPairlastPartons () const
 Return the pair of incoming parton instances.
Energy2 lastSHat () const
 The last used interval in total parton-parton energy squared.
double lastTau () const
 Return lastSHat()/lastS().
double lastY () const
 The generated rapidity of the hard scattering sub-system.
double lastP1 () const
 Log of one over the momentum fraction of the first incoming particle w.r.t.
double lastP2 () const
 Log of one over the momentum fraction of the second incoming particle w.r.t.
double lastL1 () const
 Log of one over the first incoming parton momentum fraction w.r.t.
double lastL2 () const
 Log of one over the second incoming parton momentum fraction w.r.t.
double lastX1 () const
 The first incoming parton momentum fraction w.r.t.
double lastX2 () const
 The second incoming parton momentum fraction w.r.t.
double lastE1 () const
 Return 1-lastX1() to highest possible precision for x \(\rightarrow\) 1.
double lastE2 () const
 Return 1-lastX2() to highest possible precision for x \(\rightarrow\) 1.
double lastFL1L2 () const
 The product of the parton density functions at the last generated phase-space point.
Energy2 lastScale () const
 The chosen scale of the hard scattering.
double lastAlphaS () const
 Get the \(\alpha_S\) used in the hard scattering.
double lastAlphaEM () const
 Get the \(\alpha_{EM}\) used in the hard scattering.
const vector< Lorentz5Momentum > & meMomenta () const
 Return the momenta of the incoming and outgoing partons to be used by the matrix element object, in the order specified by the TreeDiagram objects given by the matrix element.
double lastME2 () const
 Return the matrix element squared as calculated for the last phase space point.
double lastPreweight () const
 Return the last preweight factor.
double jacobian () const
 Get the last jacobian obtained when generating the kinematics for the call to dSigHatDR.
CrossSection lastMECrossSection () const
 Return the partonic cross section as calculated for the last phase space point.
double lastMEPDFWeight () const
 Return the PDF weight as calculated for the last phase space point, if the matrix element does supply PDF weights.
double lastMECouplings () const
 Return the coupling weight as calculated for the last phase space point.
tSubProPtr subProcess () const
 Return the SubProcess object corresponding to the last generated sub-process.
const cPDVectormePartonData () const
 Return the incoming and outgoing parton types to be used by the matrix element object, in the order specified by the TreeDiagram objects given by the matrix element.

Protected Member Functions

Clone Methods.
virtual IBPtr clone () const
 Make a simple clone of this object.
virtual IBPtr fullclone () const
 Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::EventHandler
virtual void rebind (const TranslationMap &trans)
 Rebind pointer to other Interfaced objects.
virtual IVector getReferences ()
 Return a vector of all pointers to Interfaced objects used in this object.
LuminosityFunctionlumiFn ()
 Access to the luminosity function.
void setupGroups ()
 Setup the step handler groups.
GroupVectorgroups ()
 Access the step handler groups.
const GroupVectorgroups () const
 Access the step handler groups.
void lumiFn (LumiFnPtr)
 Set the luminosity function.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
void reporeg (IBPtr object, string name) const
 Register the given object in the Repository with the given name in a subdirectory with the same name as this object.
template<typename PtrT >
bool setDefaultReference (PtrT &ptr, string classname, string objectname)
 If the pointer, ptr, to an object is not set, create an object of class classname and register it with the Repository with the given objectname in a sib-directory with the same name as this object.
 Interfaced ()
 Protected default constructor.
 Interfaced (const string &newName)
 Protected constructor taking a name as argument.
 Interfaced (const Interfaced &i)
 Protected copy-constructor.
void setGenerator (tEGPtr generator)
 Protected function to reset the generator pointer, required for automatic decayer generation in Herwig++ BSM models.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
virtual void readSetup (istream &is)
 Read setup info from a standard istream is.
virtual void doupdate ()
 Check sanity of the object during the setup phase.
 InterfacedBase ()
 Protected default constructor.
 InterfacedBase (string newName)
 Protected constructor with the name given as argument.
 InterfacedBase (const InterfacedBase &i)
 Protected copy-constructor.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted ()
 Default constructor.
 ReferenceCounted (const ReferenceCounted &)
ReferenceCountedoperator= (const ReferenceCounted &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Named
const Namedoperator= (const Named &other)
const string & name (const string &newName)
 Set new name.

Functions used by the persistent I/O system.

tLesHouchesReaderPtr theCurrentReader
 The currently selected reader object.
void persistentOutput (PersistentOStream &os) const
 Function used to write out object persistently.
void persistentInput (PersistentIStream &is, int version)
 Function used to read in object persistently.
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Standard Interfaced functions.

XSecStat stats
 Collect statistics for this event handler.
XSecStat histStats
 Collect statistics for this event handler.
vector< string > weightnames
 The weight identifiers for the events.
map< string, OptWeightopt
 Map statistics to weight name strings.
int ntries
 Counter for the number of tries for the purpose of statistics.
ReaderVector theReaders
 The list of readers.
ReaderSelector theSelector
 The selector to choose readers according to their overestimated cross section.
WeightOpt theWeightOption
 The way weights are to be treated.
double theUnitTolerance
 If the weight option is set to unit weight, do not start compensating unless the weight is this much larger than unity.
bool warnPNum
 Warn if the same process number is used in more than one LesHouchesReader.
unsigned int theNormWeight
 How to normalize the weights.
unsigned int UseLHEEvent
 How to number the events.
static ClassDescription< LesHouchesEventHandlerinitLesHouchesEventHandler
 The static object used to initialize the description of this class.
virtual void doinit ()
 Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.
virtual void doinitrun ()
 Initialize this object.
virtual void dofinish ()
 Finalize this object.
ReaderVectorreaders ()
 Access the list of readers.
ReaderSelectorselector ()
 The selector to choose readers according to their overestimated cross section.
void setUnitTolerance (double)
 Helper function for the interface;.
const map< string, OptWeight > & optWeights () const
 Return the optional weights' statistics.
LesHouchesEventHandleroperator= (const LesHouchesEventHandler &)=delete
 The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::EventHandler
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function used to initialize the interface.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::HandlerBase
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function used to initialize the interface.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::InterfacedBase
static void Init ()
 Standard Init function.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Base
static void Init ()
 The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.
- Public Attributes inherited from ThePEG::Pointer::ReferenceCounted
const unsigned long uniqueId
 The unique ID.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ThePEG::Interfaced
static void registerRepository (IBPtr)
 Register an Interfaced object with the Repository.
static void registerRepository (IBPtr, string newName)
 Register an Interfaced object with the Repository, giving it a name.
- Protected Attributes inherited from ThePEG::EventHandler
HandlerGroup< SubProcessHandleroptSubprocessGroup
 Utility object to facilitate default selection of step handlers.
HandlerGroup< CascadeHandleroptCascadeGroup
 Utility object to facilitate default selection of step handlers.
HandlerGroup< MultipleInteractionHandleroptMultiGroup
 Utility object to facilitate default selection of step handlers.
HandlerGroup< HadronizationHandleroptHadronizationGroup
 Utility object to facilitate default selection of step handlers.
HandlerGroup< DecayHandleroptDecayGroup
 Utility object to facilitate default selection of step handlers.
GroupVector optGroups
 Utility object to facilitate default selection of step handlers.
bool warnIncomplete
 Emit warning that this EventHandler is incomplete.
cPDPair theIncoming
 The pair of incoming particle types.
- Protected Attributes inherited from ThePEG::LastXCombInfo< XC >
XCPtr theLastXComb
 The pointer to the last selected XComb.

Detailed Description

The LesHouchesEventHandler inherits from the general EventHandler class and administers the reading of events generated by external matrix element generator programs according to the Les Houches accord.

The class has a list of LesHouchesReaders which typically are connected to files with event data produced by external matrix element generator programs. When an event is requested by LesHouchesEventHandler, one of the readers are chosen, an event is read in and then passed to the different StepHandler defined in the underlying EventHandler class.

See also
The interfaces defined for LesHouchesEventHandler.

Definition at line 41 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ReaderSelector

A selector of readers.

Definition at line 53 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ ReaderVector

typedef vector<LesHouchesReaderPtr> ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::ReaderVector

A vector of LesHouchesReader objects.

Definition at line 48 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ WeightOpt

Enumerate the weighting options.


All events have unit weight.


All events have wight +/- 1.


Varying positive weights.


Varying positive or negative weights.

Definition at line 58 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LesHouchesEventHandler()

ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::LesHouchesEventHandler ( )

The default constructor.

Definition at line 72 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References selector(), ThePEG::CompSelector< T, WeightType >::tolerance(), and unitTolerance().

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

virtual IBPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::clone ( ) const

Make a simple clone of this object.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ continueEvent()

virtual EventPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::continueEvent ( )

Continue generating an event if the generation has been stopped before finishing.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ currentReader() [1/2]

tLesHouchesReaderPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::currentReader ( ) const

The currently selected reader object.

Definition at line 218 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theCurrentReader.

◆ currentReader() [2/2]

void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::currentReader ( tLesHouchesReaderPtr  x)

Set the currently selected reader object.

Definition at line 224 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theCurrentReader.

◆ dofinish()

virtual void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::dofinish ( )

Finalize this object.

Called in the run phase just after a run has ended. Used eg. to write out statistics.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ doinit()

virtual void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::doinit ( )

Initialize this object after the setup phase before saving an EventGenerator to disk.

InitExceptionif object could not be initialized properly.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ doinitrun()

virtual void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::doinitrun ( )

Initialize this object.

Called in the run phase just before a run begins.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfacedBase.

◆ fullclone()

virtual IBPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::fullclone ( ) const

Make a clone of this object, possibly modifying the cloned object to make it sane.

a pointer to the new object.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ generateEvent()

virtual EventPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::generateEvent ( )

Generate an event.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ histogramScale()

virtual CrossSection ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::histogramScale ( ) const

Histogram scale.

A histogram bin which has been filled with the weights associated with the Event objects should be scaled by this factor to give the correct cross section.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ Init()

static void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::Init ( )

The standard Init function used to initialize the interfaces.

Called exactly once for each class by the class description system before the main function starts or when this class is dynamically loaded.

◆ initialize()

virtual void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::initialize ( )

Initialize this event handler and all related objects needed to generate events.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ integratedXSec()

virtual CrossSection ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::integratedXSec ( ) const

The estimated total integrated cross section of the processes generated in this run.

0 if no integrated cross section could be estimated.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ integratedXSecErr()

virtual CrossSection ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::integratedXSecErr ( ) const

The estimated error in the total integrated cross section of the processes generated in this run.

0 if no integrated cross section error could be estimated.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ operator=()

LesHouchesEventHandler & ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::operator= ( const LesHouchesEventHandler )

The assignment operator is private and must never be called.

In fact, it should not even be implemented.

◆ optWeights()

const map< string, OptWeight > & ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::optWeights ( ) const

Return the optional weights' statistics.

Definition at line 370 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References opt.

◆ performCollision()

virtual tCollPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::performCollision ( )

Create the Event and Collision objects.

Used by the generateEvent() function.

◆ persistentInput()

void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::persistentInput ( PersistentIStream is,
int  version 

Function used to read in object persistently.

isthe persistent input stream read from.
versionthe version number of the object when written.

◆ persistentOutput()

void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::persistentOutput ( PersistentOStream os) const

Function used to write out object persistently.

osthe persistent output stream written to.

◆ readers() [1/2]

ReaderVector & ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::readers ( )

Access the list of readers.

Definition at line 305 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theReaders.

◆ readers() [2/2]

const ReaderVector & ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::readers ( ) const

Access the list of readers.

Definition at line 207 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theReaders.

◆ select()

void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::select ( double  weight)

An event has been selected.

Signal that an event has been selected with the given weight. If unit weights are requested, the event will be accepted with that weight. This also takes care of the statistics collection of the selected reader object.

◆ selector() [1/2]

ReaderSelector & ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::selector ( )

The selector to choose readers according to their overestimated cross section.

Definition at line 311 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theSelector.

◆ selector() [2/2]

const ReaderSelector & ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::selector ( ) const

The selector to choose readers according to their overestimated cross section.

Definition at line 213 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theSelector.

Referenced by LesHouchesEventHandler().

◆ skipEvents()

void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::skipEvents ( )

Skip some events.

To ensure a reader file is scanned an even number of times, skip a number of events for the selected reader.

◆ statistics()

virtual void ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::statistics ( ostream &  ) const

Write out accumulated statistics about intergrated cross sections and stuff.

Reimplemented from ThePEG::EventHandler.

◆ unitTolerance()

double ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::unitTolerance ( ) const

If the weight option is set to unit weight, do not start compensating unless the weight is this much larger than unity.

Definition at line 202 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theUnitTolerance.

Referenced by LesHouchesEventHandler().

◆ weightOption()

WeightOpt ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::weightOption ( ) const

The way weights are to be treated.

Definition at line 196 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

References theWeightOption.

Member Data Documentation

◆ histStats

XSecStat ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::histStats

Collect statistics for this event handler.

To be used for histogram scaling.

Definition at line 327 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ initLesHouchesEventHandler

ClassDescription<LesHouchesEventHandler> ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::initLesHouchesEventHandler

The static object used to initialize the description of this class.

Indicates that this is a concrete class with persistent data.

Definition at line 434 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ ntries

int ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::ntries

Counter for the number of tries for the purpose of statistics.

Definition at line 364 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ opt

map<string,OptWeight> ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::opt

Map statistics to weight name strings.

Definition at line 358 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Referenced by optWeights().

◆ stats

XSecStat ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::stats

Collect statistics for this event handler.

Definition at line 321 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ theCurrentReader

tLesHouchesReaderPtr ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::theCurrentReader

The currently selected reader object.

Definition at line 257 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Referenced by currentReader().

◆ theNormWeight

unsigned int ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::theNormWeight

How to normalize the weights.

Definition at line 406 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ theReaders

ReaderVector ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::theReaders

The list of readers.

Definition at line 377 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Referenced by readers().

◆ theSelector

ReaderSelector ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::theSelector

The selector to choose readers according to their overestimated cross section.

Definition at line 383 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Referenced by selector().

◆ theUnitTolerance

double ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::theUnitTolerance

If the weight option is set to unit weight, do not start compensating unless the weight is this much larger than unity.

Definition at line 394 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Referenced by unitTolerance().

◆ theWeightOption

WeightOpt ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::theWeightOption

The way weights are to be treated.

Definition at line 388 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

Referenced by weightOption().

◆ UseLHEEvent

unsigned int ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::UseLHEEvent

How to number the events.

Definition at line 411 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ warnPNum

bool ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::warnPNum

Warn if the same process number is used in more than one LesHouchesReader.

Definition at line 401 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

◆ weightnames

vector<string> ThePEG::LesHouchesEventHandler::weightnames

The weight identifiers for the events.

Definition at line 333 of file LesHouchesEventHandler.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: