The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of simple member variables can be manuipulated. More...
#include <ParVector.h>
Public Types | |
typedef void(T::* | SetFn) (Type, int) |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'set' actions. | |
typedef void(T::* | InsFn) (Type, int) |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'insert' actions. | |
typedef void(T::* | DelFn) (int) |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'erase' actions. | |
typedef vector< Type > | TypeVector |
A vector of objects of the template parameter Type. | |
typedef TypeVector(T::* | GetFn) () const |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'get' actions. | |
typedef vector< string > | StringVector |
A vector of strings. | |
typedef StringVector(T::* | StringGetFn) () const |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'get' actions. | |
typedef Type(T::* | DefFn) (int) const |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'erase' actions. | |
typedef TypeVector T::* | Member |
Declaration of a direct pointer to the member variable in case it is a vector. | |
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typedef vector< Type > | TypeVector |
A vector of objects of the template argument type. | |
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typedef vector< string > | StringVector |
A vector of strings. | |
Public Member Functions | |
ParVector (string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, bool limits=true, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0) | |
Standard constructor. | |
ParVector (string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, Type newUnit, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, bool limits=true, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0) | |
Standard constructor. | |
ParVector (string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, int limits=Interface::limited, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0) | |
Standard constructor. | |
ParVector (string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, Type newUnit, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, int limits=Interface::limited, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0) | |
Standard constructor. | |
virtual void | tset (InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const |
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val. | |
virtual void | tinsert (InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const |
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to val. | |
virtual void | erase (InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
Remove the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual void | clear (InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Clear the container of pointers of ib. | |
virtual StringVector | get (const InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of strings. | |
virtual TypeVector | tget (const InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of Type. | |
virtual Type | tminimum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual Type | tmaximum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual Type | tdef (const InterfacedBase &, int) const |
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual Type | tdef () const |
Return the general default value for this parameter vector. | |
void | setSetFunction (SetFn sf) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tset(). | |
void | setInsertFunction (InsFn ifn) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tinsert(). | |
void | setGetFunction (GetFn gf) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tget(). | |
void | setEraseFunction (DelFn df) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by terase(). | |
void | setDefaultFunction (GetFn df) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tdef(). | |
void | setMinFunction (GetFn mf) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tminimum(). | |
void | setMaxFunction (GetFn mf) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tmaximum(). | |
void | setStringGetFunction (StringGetFn gf) |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by get(). | |
virtual void | doxygenDescription (ostream &stream) const |
Print a description to be included in the Doxygen documentation to the given stream. | |
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ParVectorTBase (string newName, string newDescription, string newClassName, const type_info &newTypeInfo, Type newUnit, int newSize, bool depSafe, bool readonly, int limits) | |
Standard constructor. | |
virtual | ~ParVectorTBase () |
Destructor. | |
virtual string | type () const |
Return a code for the type of this parameter. | |
virtual string | doxygenType () const |
Return a string describing the type of interface to be included in the Doxygen documentation. | |
virtual string | fullDescription (const InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Return a complete description of this parameter vector. | |
virtual void | set (InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const |
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val. | |
virtual void | tset (InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const =0 |
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val. | |
virtual void | insert (InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const |
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to val. | |
virtual void | tinsert (InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const =0 |
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to val. | |
virtual StringVector | get (const InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of strings. | |
virtual TypeVector | tget (const InterfacedBase &ib) const =0 |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of Type. | |
virtual string | minimum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual Type | tminimum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | maximum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual Type | tmaximum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | def (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual Type | tdef (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | def () const |
Return the general default value for this parameter vector. | |
virtual Type | tdef () const =0 |
Return the general default value for this parameter vector. | |
virtual void | setDef (InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const |
set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to its default value. | |
Type | unit () const |
Get the unit which an Type object is divided (multiplied) by when written to (read from) a stream via a double. | |
void | unit (Type u) |
Set the unit which an Type object is divided (multiplied) by when written to (read from) a stream via a double. | |
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ParVectorBase (string newName, string newDescription, string newClassName, const type_info &newTypeInfo, int newSize, bool depSafe, bool readonly, int limits) | |
Standard constructor. | |
virtual | ~ParVectorBase () |
Destructor. | |
virtual string | exec (InterfacedBase &, string action, string arguments) const |
The general interface method overriding the one in InterfaceBase. | |
virtual string | fullDescription (const InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Return a complete description of this parameter vector. | |
virtual void | set (InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const =0 |
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val. | |
virtual void | insert (InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const =0 |
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to val. | |
virtual void | erase (InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Remove the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual void | clear (InterfacedBase &ib) const =0 |
Clear the container of pointers of ib. | |
virtual StringVector | get (const InterfacedBase &ib) const =0 |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | minimum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | maximum (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | def (const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib. | |
virtual string | def () const =0 |
Return the general default value for this parameter vector. | |
virtual void | setDef (InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0 |
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to its default value. | |
bool | limited () const |
True if there the variable is limited from above and below. | |
bool | upperLimit () const |
True if there the variable is limited from abovew. | |
bool | lowerLimit () const |
True if there the variable is limited from below. | |
void | setLimited () |
Set a flag indicating that there are limits associated with the variables. | |
void | setUnlimited () |
Set a flag indicating if there are no limits associated with the variables. | |
int | size () const |
Get the size of the container being interfaced. | |
void | setSize (int sz) |
Set the size of the container being interfaced. | |
void | setVariableSize () |
Set the size of the container being interfaced to -1, i.e. | |
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InterfaceBase (string newName, string newDescription, string newClassName, const type_info &newTypeInfo, bool depSafe, bool readonly) | |
Standard constructor. | |
virtual | ~InterfaceBase () |
The destructor. | |
string | tag (int pos=-1) const |
Create a tag for this interface using its name and optional poisitional argument. | |
virtual string | exec (InterfacedBase &ib, string action, string arguments) const =0 |
Manipulate an object of the corresponding class. | |
virtual string | type () const =0 |
Return a code for the type of this interface. | |
virtual bool | notDefault (InterfacedBase &) const |
Returns true if the setting for this interface has been changed from its default value. | |
map< string, string > & | objectDefaults (InterfacedBase &) const |
Returns the map of objectDefaults of the given object. | |
virtual void | rebind (InterfacedBase &, const TranslationMap &, const IVector &=IVector()) const |
Rebind all references in ib according to the translation map. | |
virtual IVector | getReferences (const InterfacedBase &) const |
For derived classes interfacing references between Interfaced objects, return the references for this interface. | |
string | description () const |
Return the description of this interface. | |
virtual string | fullDescription (const InterfacedBase &ib) const |
Return a complete description of this interface. | |
virtual void | doxygenDescription (ostream &stream) const |
Print a description to be included in the Doxygen documentation to the given stream. | |
virtual string | doxygenType () const =0 |
Return a string describing the type of interface to be included in the Doxygen documentation. | |
string | className () const |
Return the class name for the class this interface is defined for. | |
bool | dependencySafe () const |
Get the flag saying whether changing an object with this interface may change the state of a dependent object . | |
void | setDependencySafe () |
Set the flag saying whether changing an object with this interface may change the state of a dependent object . | |
void | setDependencySensitive () |
Set the flag saying whether changing an object with this interface may change the state of a dependent object . | |
bool | readOnly () const |
Get the flag saying whether this interface is allowed to change an object. | |
void | setReadOnly () |
Set the flag saying that this interface is allowed to change an object. | |
void | setReadWrite () |
Unset the flag saying that this interface is allowed to change an object. | |
bool | anonymous () const |
Return true if this interface is anonyous, ie. | |
double | rank () const |
Get the rank for this interface. | |
void | rank (double r) |
Set the rank for this interface. | |
void | setHasDefault (bool b) |
Indicate that this interface has a default value. | |
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Named (const string &newName=string()) | |
Constructor with name. | |
Named (const Named &)=default | |
Explicit default copy-constructor (too avoid compiler warnings) | |
const string & | name () const |
Return name. | |
bool | operator== (const Named &other) const |
Test for equality. | |
bool | operator< (const Named &other) const |
Lexicographical comparison. | |
Private Attributes | |
Member | theMember |
The pointer to the member variable. | |
Type | theDef |
Default value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given. | |
Type | theMin |
Minimum value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given. | |
Type | theMax |
Maximum value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given. | |
SetFn | theSetFn |
A pointer to a member function to be used by tset(). | |
InsFn | theInsFn |
A pointer to a member function to be used by tinsert(). | |
DelFn | theDelFn |
A pointer to a member function to be used by terase(). | |
GetFn | theGetFn |
A pointer to a member function to be used by tget(). | |
DefFn | theDefFn |
Pointer to member function to be used by tdef(). | |
DefFn | theMinFn |
Pointer to member function to be used by tminimum(). | |
DefFn | theMaxFn |
Pointer to member function to be used by tmaximum(). | |
StringGetFn | theStringGetFn |
A pointer to a member function to be used by set(). | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static bool | NoReadOnly |
If set to true, all read-only interfaces can be changed. | |
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void | putUnit (ostream &os, Type val) const |
Write a numer to a stream with the unit specified with unit(). | |
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const Named & | operator= (const Named &other) |
Assignment. | |
const string & | name (const string &newName) |
Set new name. | |
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bool | hasDefault |
A flag indicating whether this interface has a default setting. | |
bool | isDependencySafe |
The flag saying whether changing an object with this interface may change the state of a dependent object . | |
bool | isReadOnly |
The flag saying whether this interface is allowed to change an object. | |
The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class derived from the InterfacedBase, through which vectors (or any other container) of simple member variables can be manuipulated.
ParVector is templated on the type of the member variable and the type of the InterfacedBase class, and is derived from the InterfaceBase class via ParVectorTBase (which is templated only on the class of the member variable) and ParVectorBase.
For each InterfacedBase class exactly one static ParVector object should created for each member variable of container type which should be interfaced. This object will automatically register itself with the BaseRepository class.
Definition at line 538 of file ParVector.h.
typedef Type(T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::DefFn) (int) const |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'erase' actions.
Definition at line 586 of file ParVector.h.
typedef void(T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::DelFn) (int) |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'erase' actions.
Definition at line 558 of file ParVector.h.
typedef TypeVector(T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::GetFn) () const |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'get' actions.
Definition at line 569 of file ParVector.h.
typedef void(T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::InsFn) (Type, int) |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'insert' actions.
Definition at line 552 of file ParVector.h.
typedef TypeVector T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::Member |
Declaration of a direct pointer to the member variable in case it is a vector.
Definition at line 592 of file ParVector.h.
typedef void(T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::SetFn) (Type, int) |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'set' actions.
Definition at line 546 of file ParVector.h.
typedef StringVector(T::* ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::StringGetFn) () const |
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'get' actions.
Definition at line 580 of file ParVector.h.
typedef vector<string> ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::StringVector |
A vector of strings.
Definition at line 574 of file ParVector.h.
typedef vector<Type> ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::TypeVector |
A vector of objects of the template parameter Type.
Definition at line 563 of file ParVector.h.
inline |
Standard constructor.
newName | the name of the interface, may only contain letters [a-zA-z0-9_]. |
newDescription | a brief description of the interface. |
newMember | a pointer to a Member which is a TypeVector. May be null, in which case the pointers to member functions must be specified. |
newSize | the size of the container or -1 if varying. |
newDef | the default value of the corresponding parameters. |
newMin | the minimum value of the corresponding parameters. |
newMax | the maximum value of the corresponding parameters. |
depSafe | set to true if calls to this interface for one object does not influence other objects. |
readonly | if this is set true the interface will not be able to manipulate objects of the corresponding class, but will still be able to access information. |
limits | determines if the values of the parameters are limited from above and below. |
newSetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'set' action. |
newInsFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'insert' action. |
newDelFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'erase' action. |
newDefFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'default' action. |
newGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
newMinFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'minimum' action. |
newMaxFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'maximum' action. |
newStringGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
Definition at line 650 of file ParVector.h.
inline |
Standard constructor.
newName | the name of the interface, may only contain letters [a-zA-z0-9_]. |
newDescription | a brief description of the interface. |
newMember | a pointer to a Member which is a TypeVector. May be null, in which case the pointers to member functions must be specified. |
newUnit | the unit assumed when a number is read or written to a stream. |
newSize | the size of the container or -1 if varying. |
newDef | the default value of the corresponding parameters. |
newGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
newMin | the minimum value of the corresponding parameters. |
newMax | the maximum value of the corresponding parameters. |
depSafe | set to true if calls to this interface for one object does not influence other objects. |
readonly | if this is set true the interface will not be able to manipulate objects of the corresponding class, but will still be able to access information. |
limits | determines if the values of the parameters are limited from above and below. |
newSetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'set' action. |
newInsFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'insert' action. |
newDelFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'erase' action. |
newDefFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'default' action. |
newMinFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'minimum' action. |
newMaxFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'maximum' action. |
newStringGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
Definition at line 723 of file ParVector.h.
inline |
Standard constructor.
newName | the name of the interface, may only contain letters [a-zA-z0-9_]. |
newDescription | a brief description of the interface. |
newMember | a pointer to a Member which is a TypeVector. May be null, in which case the pointers to member functions must be specified. |
newSize | the size of the container or -1 if varying. |
newDef | the default value of the corresponding parameters. |
newMin | the minimum value of the corresponding parameters. |
newMax | the maximum value of the corresponding parameters. |
depSafe | set to true if calls to this interface for one object does not influence other objects. |
readonly | if this is set true the interface will not be able to manipulate objects of the corresponding class, but will still be able to access information. |
limits | determines if the values of the parameters are limited from above and/or below. The possible values are given by Interface::Limits. |
newSetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'set' action. |
newInsFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'insert' action. |
newDelFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'erase' action. |
newDefFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'default' action. |
newGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
newMinFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'minimum' action. |
newMaxFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'maximum' action. |
newStringGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
Definition at line 793 of file ParVector.h.
inline |
Standard constructor.
newName | the name of the interface, may only contain letters [a-zA-z0-9_]. |
newDescription | a brief description of the interface. |
newMember | a pointer to a Member which is a TypeVector. May be null, in which case the pointers to member functions must be specified. |
newUnit | the unit assumed when a number is read or written to a stream. |
newSize | the size of the container or -1 if varying. |
newDef | the default value of the corresponding parameters. |
newGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
newMin | the minimum value of the corresponding parameters. |
newMax | the maximum value of the corresponding parameters. |
depSafe | set to true if calls to this interface for one object does not influence other objects. |
readonly | if this is set true the interface will not be able to manipulate objects of the corresponding class, but will still be able to access information. |
limits | determines if the values of the parameters are limited from above and/or below. The possible values are given by Interface::Limits. |
newSetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'set' action. |
newInsFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'insert' action. |
newDelFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'erase' action. |
newDefFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'default' action. |
newMinFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'minimum' action. |
newMaxFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'maximum' action. |
newStringGetFn | optional pointer to member function for the 'get' action. |
Definition at line 866 of file ParVector.h.
virtual |
Clear the container of pointers of ib.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorBase.
virtual |
Print a description to be included in the Doxygen documentation to the given stream.
Reimplemented from ThePEG::InterfaceBase.
virtual |
Remove the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorBase.
virtual |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of strings.
Calls the The tget(const InterfacedBase &) and returns a vector of strings converted with ostringstreams.
Reimplemented from ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tdef().
Definition at line 972 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theDefFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by terase().
Definition at line 967 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theDelFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tget().
Definition at line 962 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theGetFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tinsert().
Definition at line 957 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theInsFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tmaximum().
Definition at line 982 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theMaxFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tminimum().
Definition at line 977 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theMinFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tset().
Definition at line 952 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theSetFn.
inline |
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by get().
Definition at line 987 of file ParVector.h.
References ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::theStringGetFn.
virtual |
Return the general default value for this parameter vector.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
virtual |
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
virtual |
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of Type.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
virtual |
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to val.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
virtual |
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
virtual |
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
virtual |
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val.
Implements ThePEG::ParVectorTBase< Type >.
private |
Default value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given.
Definition at line 1006 of file ParVector.h.
private |
Pointer to member function to be used by tdef().
Definition at line 1043 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setDefaultFunction().
private |
A pointer to a member function to be used by terase().
Definition at line 1033 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setEraseFunction().
private |
A pointer to a member function to be used by tget().
Definition at line 1038 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setGetFunction().
private |
A pointer to a member function to be used by tinsert().
Definition at line 1028 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setInsertFunction().
private |
Maximum value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given.
Definition at line 1018 of file ParVector.h.
private |
Pointer to member function to be used by tmaximum().
Definition at line 1053 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setMaxFunction().
private |
The pointer to the member variable.
Definition at line 1000 of file ParVector.h.
private |
Minimum value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given.
Definition at line 1012 of file ParVector.h.
private |
Pointer to member function to be used by tminimum().
Definition at line 1048 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setMinFunction().
private |
A pointer to a member function to be used by tset().
Definition at line 1023 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setSetFunction().
private |
A pointer to a member function to be used by set().
Definition at line 1058 of file ParVector.h.
Referenced by ThePEG::ParVector< T, Type >::setStringGetFunction().