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ThePEG 2.3.0
1// -*- C++ -*-
3// ParVector.h is a part of ThePEG - Toolkit for HEP Event Generation
4// Copyright (C) 1999-2019 Leif Lonnblad
6// ThePEG is licenced under version 3 of the GPL, see COPYING for details.
7// Please respect the MCnet academic guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
9#ifndef ThePEG_ParVector_H
10#define ThePEG_ParVector_H
11// This is the declaration of the ParVector, ParVectorTBase and
12// ParVectorBase classes.
15#include "InterfaceBase.h"
16#include "ParVector.fh"
17#include <limits>
19namespace ThePEG {
22namespace {
23 template <typename T>
27 inline void putUnitImpl2(ostream & os, T v, T u, DimensionT) {
28 os << v/u;
29 }
31 template <typename T>
35 inline void putUnitImpl2(ostream & os, T v, T u, StandardT) {
36 if ( u > T() )
37 os << v/u;
38 else
39 os << v;
40 }
68 typedef vector<string> StringVector;
98 ParVectorBase(string newName, string newDescription,
99 string newClassName,
100 const type_info & newTypeInfo, int newSize,
101 bool depSafe, bool readonly, int limits)
102 : InterfaceBase(newName, newDescription, newClassName,
103 newTypeInfo, depSafe,
104 readonly), limit(limits), theSize(newSize) {
105 hasDefault = false;
106 }
111 virtual ~ParVectorBase() {}
121 virtual string exec(InterfacedBase &, string action,
122 string arguments) const;
127 virtual string fullDescription(const InterfacedBase & ib) const;
135 virtual void set(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i)
136 const = 0;
144 virtual void insert(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i)
145 const = 0;
151 virtual void erase(InterfacedBase & ib, int i)
152 const = 0;
157 virtual void clear(InterfacedBase & ib)
158 const = 0;
163 virtual StringVector get(const InterfacedBase & ib) const
164 = 0;
170 virtual string minimum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
171 = 0;
177 virtual string maximum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
178 = 0;
184 virtual string def(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
185 = 0;
190 virtual string def() const = 0;
196 virtual void setDef(InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
197 = 0;
202 bool limited() const { return limit != Interface::nolimits; }
207 bool upperLimit() const {
209 }
214 bool lowerLimit() const {
216 }
234 int size() const { return theSize; }
240 void setSize(int sz) { theSize = sz; }
246 void setVariableSize() { theSize = 0; }
254 int limit;
283template <typename Type>
289 typedef vector<Type> TypeVector;
322 ParVectorTBase(string newName, string newDescription,
323 string newClassName, const type_info & newTypeInfo,
324 Type newUnit, int newSize, bool depSafe,
325 bool readonly, int limits)
326 : ParVectorBase(newName, newDescription, newClassName,
327 newTypeInfo, newSize,
328 depSafe, readonly, limits), theUnit(newUnit) {}
334 virtual ~ParVectorTBase() {}
339 virtual string type() const;
345 virtual string doxygenType() const;
350 virtual string fullDescription(const InterfacedBase & ib) const;
357 virtual void set(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i) const
358 ;
364 virtual void tset(InterfacedBase & ib, Type val, int i)
365 const = 0;
373 virtual void insert(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i) const
374 ;
378 void setImpl(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i, StandardT)
379 const;
382 void setImpl(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i, DimensionT)
383 const;
386 void insertImpl(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i, StandardT)
387 const;
390 void insertImpl(InterfacedBase & ib, string val, int i, DimensionT)
391 const;
399 virtual void tinsert(InterfacedBase & ib, Type val, int i)
400 const = 0;
407 virtual StringVector get(const InterfacedBase & ib) const
408 ;
414 virtual TypeVector tget(const InterfacedBase & ib) const
415 = 0;
424 virtual string minimum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
425 ;
431 virtual Type tminimum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
432 = 0;
440 virtual string maximum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
441 ;
447 virtual Type tmaximum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
448 = 0;
455 virtual string def(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
456 ;
462 virtual Type tdef(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
463 = 0;
469 virtual string def() const;
474 virtual Type tdef() const = 0;
480 virtual void setDef(InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
481 ;
488 Type unit() const { return theUnit; }
495 void unit(Type u) { theUnit = u; }
502 void putUnit(ostream & os, Type val) const {
503 putUnitImpl2(os, val, unit(), typename TypeTraits<Type>::DimType());
504 }
537template <typename T, typename Type>
538class ParVector: public ParVectorTBase<Type> {
546 typedef void (T::*SetFn)(Type, int);
552 typedef void (T::*InsFn)(Type, int);
558 typedef void (T::*DelFn)(int);
563 typedef vector<Type> TypeVector;
569 typedef TypeVector (T::*GetFn)() const;
574 typedef vector<string> StringVector;
580 typedef StringVector (T::*StringGetFn)() const;
586 typedef Type (T::*DefFn)(int) const;
592 typedef TypeVector T::* Member;
650 ParVector(string newName, string newDescription,
651 Member newMember, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin,
652 Type newMax, bool depSafe = false, bool readonly = false,
653 bool limits = true, SetFn newSetFn = 0,
654 InsFn newInsFn = 0, DelFn newDelFn = 0, GetFn newGetFn = 0,
655 DefFn newDefFn = 0, DefFn newMinFn = 0, DefFn newMaxFn = 0,
656 StringGetFn newStringGetFn = 0)
657 : ParVectorTBase<Type>(newName, newDescription, ClassTraits<T>::className(),
658 typeid(T), Type(), newSize, depSafe, readonly,
659 limits),
660 theMember(newMember), theDef(newDef), theMin(newMin), theMax(newMax),
661 theSetFn(newSetFn), theInsFn(newInsFn), theDelFn(newDelFn),
662 theGetFn(newGetFn), theDefFn(newDefFn), theMinFn(newMinFn),
663 theMaxFn(newMaxFn), theStringGetFn(newStringGetFn) {}
723 ParVector(string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember,
724 Type newUnit, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin,
725 Type newMax, bool depSafe = false, bool readonly = false,
726 bool limits = true, SetFn newSetFn = 0,
727 InsFn newInsFn = 0, DelFn newDelFn = 0, GetFn newGetFn = 0,
728 DefFn newDefFn = 0, DefFn newMinFn = 0, DefFn newMaxFn = 0,
729 StringGetFn newStringGetFn = 0)
730 : ParVectorTBase<Type>(newName, newDescription, ClassTraits<T>::className(),
731 typeid(T), newUnit, newSize, depSafe, readonly,
732 limits),
733 theMember(newMember), theDef(newDef), theMin(newMin), theMax(newMax),
734 theSetFn(newSetFn), theInsFn(newInsFn), theDelFn(newDelFn),
735 theGetFn(newGetFn), theDefFn(newDefFn), theMinFn(newMinFn),
736 theMaxFn(newMaxFn), theStringGetFn(newStringGetFn) {}
793 ParVector(string newName, string newDescription,
794 Member newMember, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin,
795 Type newMax, bool depSafe = false, bool readonly = false,
796 int limits = Interface::limited, SetFn newSetFn = 0,
797 InsFn newInsFn = 0, DelFn newDelFn = 0, GetFn newGetFn = 0,
798 DefFn newDefFn = 0, DefFn newMinFn = 0, DefFn newMaxFn = 0,
799 StringGetFn newStringGetFn = 0)
800 : ParVectorTBase<Type>(newName, newDescription, ClassTraits<T>::className(),
801 typeid(T), Type(), newSize, depSafe, readonly,
802 limits),
803 theMember(newMember), theDef(newDef), theMin(newMin), theMax(newMax),
804 theSetFn(newSetFn), theInsFn(newInsFn), theDelFn(newDelFn),
805 theGetFn(newGetFn), theDefFn(newDefFn), theMinFn(newMinFn),
806 theMaxFn(newMaxFn), theStringGetFn(newStringGetFn) {}
866 ParVector(string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember,
867 Type newUnit, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin,
868 Type newMax, bool depSafe = false, bool readonly = false,
869 int limits = Interface::limited, SetFn newSetFn = 0,
870 InsFn newInsFn = 0, DelFn newDelFn = 0, GetFn newGetFn = 0,
871 DefFn newDefFn = 0, DefFn newMinFn = 0, DefFn newMaxFn = 0,
872 StringGetFn newStringGetFn = 0)
873 : ParVectorTBase<Type>(newName, newDescription, ClassTraits<T>::className(),
874 typeid(T), newUnit, newSize, depSafe, readonly,
875 limits),
876 theMember(newMember), theDef(newDef), theMin(newMin), theMax(newMax),
877 theSetFn(newSetFn), theInsFn(newInsFn), theDelFn(newDelFn),
878 theGetFn(newGetFn), theDefFn(newDefFn), theMinFn(newMinFn),
879 theMaxFn(newMaxFn), theStringGetFn(newStringGetFn) {}
885 virtual void tset(InterfacedBase & ib, Type val, int i) const
886 ;
892 virtual void tinsert(InterfacedBase & ib, Type val, int i) const
893 ;
899 virtual void erase(InterfacedBase & ib, int i)
900 const;
905 virtual void clear(InterfacedBase & ib)
906 const;
913 virtual StringVector get(const InterfacedBase & ib) const
914 ;
920 virtual TypeVector tget(const InterfacedBase & ib) const
921 ;
927 virtual Type tminimum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
928 ;
934 virtual Type tmaximum(const InterfacedBase & ib, int i) const
935 ;
941 virtual Type tdef(const InterfacedBase &, int) const
942 ;
947 virtual Type tdef() const;
952 void setSetFunction(SetFn sf) { theSetFn = sf; }
957 void setInsertFunction(InsFn ifn) { theInsFn = ifn; }
962 void setGetFunction(GetFn gf) { theGetFn = gf; }
967 void setEraseFunction(DelFn df) { theDelFn = df; }
977 void setMinFunction(GetFn mf) { theMinFn = mf; }
982 void setMaxFunction(GetFn mf) { theMaxFn = mf; }
993 virtual void doxygenDescription(ostream & stream) const;
1065#include "ParVector.tcc"
1068#endif /* ThePEG_ParVector_H */
This is the main config header file for ThePEG.
The InterfaceBase class defines a generic interface to any class derived from the InterfacedBase clas...
Definition: InterfaceBase.h:59
string className() const
Return the class name for the class this interface is defined for.
bool hasDefault
A flag indicating whether this interface has a default setting.
InterfacedBase is the base class of all Interfaced objects to be handled by the BaseRepository class.
The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class d...
Definition: ParVector.h:63
virtual ~ParVectorBase()
Definition: ParVector.h:111
virtual string def() const =0
Return the general default value for this parameter vector.
int theSize
The size of the container being interfaced.
Definition: ParVector.h:259
int size() const
Get the size of the container being interfaced.
Definition: ParVector.h:234
virtual void clear(InterfacedBase &ib) const =0
Clear the container of pointers of ib.
bool lowerLimit() const
True if there the variable is limited from below.
Definition: ParVector.h:214
void setVariableSize()
Set the size of the container being interfaced to -1, i.e.
Definition: ParVector.h:246
void setUnlimited()
Set a flag indicating if there are no limits associated with the variables.
Definition: ParVector.h:228
int limit
True if there are limits associated with the variables.
Definition: ParVector.h:254
virtual void set(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const =0
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val.
vector< string > StringVector
A vector of strings.
Definition: ParVector.h:68
virtual string exec(InterfacedBase &, string action, string arguments) const
The general interface method overriding the one in InterfaceBase.
bool upperLimit() const
True if there the variable is limited from abovew.
Definition: ParVector.h:207
virtual void insert(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const =0
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to va...
void setLimited()
Set a flag indicating that there are limits associated with the variables.
Definition: ParVector.h:222
virtual string minimum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
ParVectorBase(string newName, string newDescription, string newClassName, const type_info &newTypeInfo, int newSize, bool depSafe, bool readonly, int limits)
Standard constructor.
Definition: ParVector.h:98
void setSize(int sz)
Set the size of the container being interfaced.
Definition: ParVector.h:240
bool limited() const
True if there the variable is limited from above and below.
Definition: ParVector.h:202
virtual string maximum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual void setDef(InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to its default value.
virtual StringVector get(const InterfacedBase &ib) const =0
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual void erase(InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Remove the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual string fullDescription(const InterfacedBase &ib) const
Return a complete description of this parameter vector.
virtual string def(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class d...
Definition: ParVector.h:284
virtual void tinsert(InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const =0
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to va...
virtual string def() const
Return the general default value for this parameter vector.
virtual TypeVector tget(const InterfacedBase &ib) const =0
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of Type.
virtual Type tminimum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual void tset(InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const =0
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val.
virtual void insert(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to va...
void setImpl(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i, StandardT) const
Implementation of set() for standard types.
virtual string maximum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
void unit(Type u)
Set the unit which an Type object is divided (multiplied) by when written to (read from) a stream via...
Definition: ParVector.h:495
void setImpl(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i, DimensionT) const
Implementation of set() for dimensioned types.
virtual void setDef(InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to its default value.
virtual Type tmaximum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual string minimum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
ParVectorTBase(string newName, string newDescription, string newClassName, const type_info &newTypeInfo, Type newUnit, int newSize, bool depSafe, bool readonly, int limits)
Standard constructor.
Definition: ParVector.h:322
Type theUnit
The unit which an Type object is divided (multiplied) by when written to (read from) a stream via a d...
Definition: ParVector.h:513
void insertImpl(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i, DimensionT) const
Implementation of insert() for dimensioned types.
virtual void set(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i) const
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val.
Type unit() const
Get the unit which an Type object is divided (multiplied) by when written to (read from) a stream via...
Definition: ParVector.h:488
virtual StringVector get(const InterfacedBase &ib) const
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of strings.
virtual string def(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual string type() const
Return a code for the type of this parameter.
virtual string fullDescription(const InterfacedBase &ib) const
Return a complete description of this parameter vector.
vector< Type > TypeVector
A vector of objects of the template argument type.
Definition: ParVector.h:289
void putUnit(ostream &os, Type val) const
Write a numer to a stream with the unit specified with unit().
Definition: ParVector.h:502
virtual string doxygenType() const
Return a string describing the type of interface to be included in the Doxygen documentation.
virtual Type tdef() const =0
Return the general default value for this parameter vector.
virtual Type tdef(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const =0
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
virtual ~ParVectorTBase()
Definition: ParVector.h:334
void insertImpl(InterfacedBase &ib, string val, int i, StandardT) const
Implementation of insert() for standard types.
The ParVector and its base classes ParVectorTBase and ParVectorBase defines an interface to a class d...
Definition: ParVector.h:538
Type theDef
Default value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given.
Definition: ParVector.h:1006
virtual void clear(InterfacedBase &ib) const
Clear the container of pointers of ib.
virtual Type tminimum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
Return the minimum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
DefFn theMinFn
Pointer to member function to be used by tminimum().
Definition: ParVector.h:1048
ParVector(string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, Type newUnit, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, bool limits=true, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0)
Standard constructor.
Definition: ParVector.h:723
virtual void tset(InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const
Set the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib to val.
GetFn theGetFn
A pointer to a member function to be used by tget().
Definition: ParVector.h:1038
void(T::* SetFn)(Type, int)
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'set' actions.
Definition: ParVector.h:546
virtual void tinsert(InterfacedBase &ib, Type val, int i) const
Insert a new object before the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib and set it to va...
Type(T::* DefFn)(int) const
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'erase' actions...
Definition: ParVector.h:586
Member theMember
The pointer to the member variable.
Definition: ParVector.h:1000
TypeVector T::* Member
Declaration of a direct pointer to the member variable in case it is a vector.
Definition: ParVector.h:592
TypeVector(T::* GetFn)() const
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'get' actions.
Definition: ParVector.h:569
virtual TypeVector tget(const InterfacedBase &ib) const
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of Type.
StringVector(T::* StringGetFn)() const
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'get' actions.
Definition: ParVector.h:580
vector< Type > TypeVector
A vector of objects of the template parameter Type.
Definition: ParVector.h:563
void setDefaultFunction(GetFn df)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tdef().
Definition: ParVector.h:972
DefFn theDefFn
Pointer to member function to be used by tdef().
Definition: ParVector.h:1043
DelFn theDelFn
A pointer to a member function to be used by terase().
Definition: ParVector.h:1033
void setGetFunction(GetFn gf)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tget().
Definition: ParVector.h:962
virtual Type tdef(const InterfacedBase &, int) const
Return the default value for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
InsFn theInsFn
A pointer to a member function to be used by tinsert().
Definition: ParVector.h:1028
void setMaxFunction(GetFn mf)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tmaximum().
Definition: ParVector.h:982
DefFn theMaxFn
Pointer to member function to be used by tmaximum().
Definition: ParVector.h:1053
void setEraseFunction(DelFn df)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by terase().
Definition: ParVector.h:967
virtual void doxygenDescription(ostream &stream) const
Print a description to be included in the Doxygen documentation to the given stream.
void setInsertFunction(InsFn ifn)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tinsert().
Definition: ParVector.h:957
Type theMax
Maximum value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given.
Definition: ParVector.h:1018
virtual void erase(InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
Remove the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
void setMinFunction(GetFn mf)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tminimum().
Definition: ParVector.h:977
virtual StringVector get(const InterfacedBase &ib) const
Return the values of a container of member variables of ib in a vector of strings.
Type theMin
Minimum value to be used if no corresponding member function pointer is given.
Definition: ParVector.h:1012
void(T::* InsFn)(Type, int)
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'insert' action...
Definition: ParVector.h:552
SetFn theSetFn
A pointer to a member function to be used by tset().
Definition: ParVector.h:1023
virtual Type tdef() const
Return the general default value for this parameter vector.
void(T::* DelFn)(int)
The declaration of member functions which can be used by this ParVector interface for 'erase' actions...
Definition: ParVector.h:558
vector< string > StringVector
A vector of strings.
Definition: ParVector.h:574
void setStringGetFunction(StringGetFn gf)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by get().
Definition: ParVector.h:987
StringGetFn theStringGetFn
A pointer to a member function to be used by set().
Definition: ParVector.h:1058
ParVector(string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, Type newUnit, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, int limits=Interface::limited, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0)
Standard constructor.
Definition: ParVector.h:866
virtual Type tmaximum(const InterfacedBase &ib, int i) const
Return the maximum value allowed for the i'th element of a container of member variables of ib.
ParVector(string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, int limits=Interface::limited, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0)
Standard constructor.
Definition: ParVector.h:793
void setSetFunction(SetFn sf)
Give a pointer to a member function to be used by tset().
Definition: ParVector.h:952
ParVector(string newName, string newDescription, Member newMember, int newSize, Type newDef, Type newMin, Type newMax, bool depSafe=false, bool readonly=false, bool limits=true, SetFn newSetFn=0, InsFn newInsFn=0, DelFn newDelFn=0, GetFn newGetFn=0, DefFn newDefFn=0, DefFn newMinFn=0, DefFn newMaxFn=0, StringGetFn newStringGetFn=0)
Standard constructor.
Definition: ParVector.h:650
@ upperlim
The parameter has only an upper limit.
Definition: Interface.h:48
@ nolimits
The parameter is not limited.
Definition: Interface.h:46
@ lowerlim
The parameter has only an lower limit.
Definition: Interface.h:49
@ limited
The parameter is limited (both up- and downwards.
Definition: Interface.h:47
This is the main namespace within which all identifiers in ThePEG are declared.
Definition: FactoryBase.h:28
Int2Type< Dimensioned > DimensionT
Typedef for dimensioned types.
Definition: TemplateTools.h:37
Int2Type< Standard > StandardT
Typedef for non-dimensioned types.
Definition: TemplateTools.h:40
The default concrete implementation of ClassTraitsBase.
Definition: ClassTraits.h:134
Conversion between integers and types.
Definition: TemplateTools.h:24